Friday, June 20, 2014

Is Glen Beck Another Koch Sucker

I sent this intemperate email to Glen Beck because he is a very dangerous man. Lies take on lives of their own and the growing fascist -right in this country has been waging an effective war against science and the very real dangers of climate change for all too long using the public airwaves to dispense their voodoo propaganda.

Dear Glen,

Your rants generally are tolerable for only a few moments, but I do feel it is important to know what the current fascist agenda is. However, your distortion and trivialization of climate science and the threats posed to life on this planet by climate change are criminal.

You have always been a smarmy, bloated, racist, social-Darwinist, but I found your profound ignorance a typical and predictable stigmata of your despicable kind. Your newly acquired niche as a vociferous global climate skeptic is dangerous. My great fear is that you might possibly influence many in your feeble minded audience who know even less science than you, as unlikely as that possibility might seem.

On your "show" last evening, you presented two people as climate experts, neither of whom are climate scientists or scientists of any kind, for that matter. Lord Monckton, as he likes to be called, is a laughable fool except that the consequences of his endlessly repeated talking points, which have been endlessly refuted by science, will be the death knell for what we refer to and currently recognize as civilization. Monckton's facile reasoning and glib pseudo-science are false comfort to a nation with a predilection for magical thinking, fundamentalist religion, and a tiresome belief in its own exceptionalism. Why don’t you have a real climatologist like James Hansen on your “show”? The answer is obvious; People with authentic information would expose you for the charlatan you are. It would probably make no difference anyway since you have no capacity for nuance or analysis unless it is wrapped in the shiny Fox – crypto-fascist trademark of snarky, disingenuous, loathsome, suicidal and venomous corporate ideology. The unfettered free market will simply banish all that challenges its own mythology.

Science is a problem for you Glen because it relies on evidence and facts before etiological relationships can be postulated. Unfettered global capitalism relies on endless distortion so that it can go on " biggering and biggering”. Repeat the lie often enough and people will believe it. Joseph Goebbels could not have said it better. In fact, I think he did say it.

Glen you are abusing the public airwaves with dangerous deceptions. You have no respect for knowledge or the hard work necessary to find the truth and solve the many problems our species and planet are facing today. You are an enemy of the people who is as sociopathic, delusional, and narcissistic as any in your lunatic circle. Or are you merely a hired gun who will say and do anything for the highest bidder? It does stretch one's credulity to think it possible that you are as stupid and shallow as you seem. Perhaps you are even less than I thought possible: a greedy prick. Glen have you sold your much vaunted "soul" to the highest bidder?

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